We’re using the merge request decoration feature with GitLab which is working very nicely.
However, if there are a number of code issues to resolve, then an update is posted to the GitLab merge request each time an issue status changes. This isn’t in itself a problem (it’s nice that GitLab is kept up to date), but it does result in an email from GitLab to all users who are involved in the merge request. Understandably our users are getting a bit frustrated with the volume of emails.
Does anyone know if there is a way to disable email notifications when these updates are posted to the GitLab merge request?
Do I understand correctly that you’d like that all users involved in the MR receive the email notification only for the first MR analysis but not for the next ones that happen when the comment is updated ?
Hi @matt, do you know if Gitlab send notification if a comment is updated?
Right now we delete the comment & post a new one. If Gitlab does not fire email notification for update, that may ease the pain.
For GitHub, the behaviour is that if you change the status of issue, or proceed with the security hotspot review, we update the PR. And for every new analysis, we delete&repost. We could think of implementing the same kind of behaviour for GitLab.
I searched through the forum and see several instances of this issue of excessive Gitlab emails due to SQ scans going back to 2020. I was curious if there has been any progress. e.g.:
I just started using this feature (decorate Gitlab MRs with SQ scan results) and it is causing a great deal of spam emails because it comments for every update to the MR. Unfortunately, I had to turn it off to avoid developer backlash.
Is there a way to have SQ post a comment only if the scan Failed? I don’t want to see it if it Passed (or only want to see it once instead of on every time the scan job runs). Although I am not a SQ admin, I can point them to any documentation or instructions to accomplish this.