Latest Sonarqube plugin causes Java icon to appear in dock

Please provide

  • Operating system: MacOS 15.2
  • SonarQube for IDE plugin version:
  • IntelliJ version: 2024.3.1.1 (Ultimate Edition)
  • Programming language you’re coding in: Kotlin
  • Is connected mode used:
    • Connected to SonarCloud

And a thorough description of the problem / question:

After upgrading the SonarQube for IDE plugin from to, the SonarQube plugin spawns up a java process that creates a java applet icon in my mac dock bar (after the IDE finishes loading).

I’m guessing there’s a flag that got missed recently to not create the java icon when starting up the java process for the plugin.

Rolling back to gets rid of the dock icon.


Hey @Kyle, I apologize for the late reply! It’s definitely something we are unaware of, I suspect this might be specific to MacOS. Could you share a screenshot of what you see?

Can you gather more info about this new process? Since version 10.4 (almost a year ago), we have usually run SQ:IDE in a separate process from the IDE. Our process runs under the name SonarLintServerCli, but it should not be visible.

Shows up in the task switcher. If you switch to it, shows “SonarLintSeverCli”:

Thanks! I suspect this is due to a specificity on MacOS.

Could you try passing the system property -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true and see if you still reproduce the issue?

In any case, I created this bug ticket on our side.

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Sorry for my own late delay. Geoffrey included a screenshot that was identical to what I am experiencing.

I tried passing in the -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true to my Intellij IDE JVM settings (and restarting), but it doesn’t appear to have made a difference. (in my idea.vmoptions file)

I’ve rolled back the plugin again to make it go away for now.

Can confirm this is appearing here as well using macos X 15.2 and SonarQube for IDE

If I close the java app, sonar says “SonarQube for IDE service encountered an issue and has stopped working”

I tried passing in the -Dapple.awt.UIElement=true to my Intellij IDE JVM settings (and restarting), but it doesn’t appear to have made a difference. (in my idea.vmoptions file)

We will investigate this issue in the coming weeks. In the meantime, could you also try with -Djava.awt.headless=true?

Adding -Djava.awt.headless=true to my idea.vmoptions actually causes my entire IDE to be headless when it starts up. So it might be solving the problem of hiding the Sonar java process, but it’s also hiding everything else.

Super, thank you for your feedback and for trying this workaround. We will proceed with further testing and will likely ship a fix in the next version. We will keep you updated.

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I can confirm the same behavior, java icon appears on dock when intellij is open with sonarcube plugin installed


  • macOS sequoia 15.2
  • intellij IDEA ultimate 2024.3.1.1
  • sonarcube intellij plugin

PLEASE, my OCD is killing me looking at this java icon :sweat_smile: