Latest Sonarqube plugin causes Java icon to appear in dock

I have the same issue as above, and I also code in Kotlin. I believe that this is the common factor and you should follow that lead.

IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-243.23654.117, built on January 16, 2025

Runtime version: 21.0.5+8-b631.30 aarch64 (JCEF 122.1.9)
macOS 15.2
org.sonarlint.idea (
Kotlin: 243.23654.117-IJ

I can confirm the problem still persists
Intellij IDEA ultimate: 2024.3.2.1
MacOS: 15.2
Sonar plugin:

And yes, I´m coding in a kotlin project

The interesting thing is that on my personal MacBook pro, where I exclusive code in JAVA the problem does not exist

Well, that’s actually quite unfortunate. It seems that the fix wasn’t actually shipped in our last release of SQ:IntelliJ…

I’m sharing this custom build with the fix we mentioned previously in this thread. I would invite you to download it, install it in your IDE, and see if the issue is resolved.

I have the same issue as above, and I also code in Kotlin. I believe that this is the common factor and you should follow that lead.

I would tend to think that this is not linked to the language you’re coding in but rather to a recent change in the IDE. Although I couldn’t find anything that could explain this sudden behavior yet.

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Yeah, this release seems to have fixed the issue for me !
Thanks a lot !

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seems like this build fixed the issue on my side too, thx!

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I can’t use this custom build on my company laptop and code due to security reasons but I see that other people are confirming that solves the problem. Is this patch going to be released publicly soon? I would love to use it afterwards

We plan to release the fix in our next version early next week. I will keep you updated on that.

We have just released SonarQube for IntelliJ version 10.16, which should fix this issue once and for all. Please let us know if that’s not the case. Thanks!

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