Last Analysis failed analysis ID : fc0f1aef-4adb-4612-8bd8-15556df99bad

I am failing to import github Private project and the SonarCloud is giving me this error:
Analysis ID “fc0f1aef-4adb-4612-8bd8-15556df99bad”

I appreciate your help


Welcome to the community and thanks for this report!

Could you provide the approximate date/time you got this error? It will make it easier to find it in our logs.


Hi, Thanks for response.
It was between 10:30 and 11:30 AM on 18/07/2024

I have got similar error eb78e34a-0e8e-49b3-ba6e-7ca5671aba25 at 15:32 - and 15:37 on the same day


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Hi Nikan,

Thanks for these details. I’ve flagged this for people with more access.


Hey there,

This is an interesting one.
We are suspecting this is caused by a C# project referencing a VB.NET project.
If that is the case, is it possible to get a reproducer?

We do not need the full solution, just the structure with some Sample.cs/vb files.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Greg

Can you please let me know what do you mean by structure? do you want a sample cs or VB file or the project structure?
Also please let me know where would be the best place to share that with you

Hey @nikan-negaresh-infor ,

From my understanding, you are referencing a C# project from a VB.NET project or the opposite somewhere in your solution.
What we need to figure out what is happening with your analysis is how exactly this reference happens.
So it would be great if you could share a small project that replicates this “link”, even if it’s mostly empty.
A public repo with the reproducer on github could work.
If you don’t feel comfortable with that, you can send me privately a zip file with the reproducer.