Last analysis failed Analysis ID "AZBV_T-OjotSBHG-pNv5"

Fail to process issues of component 'scrubbed_path_to_.yml' (Visit of Component {key=scrubbed_path_to_.yml,type=FILE} failed)

We appear to be receiving this error repeatedly when the main branch is analysed but not getting it within branch analysis for MRs. Have not had a successful main branch analysis reported for ~1 month.

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Hey there.

We should definitely investigate why this is happening. In the meantime, can you try excluding the file from analysis? If that doesn’t work – all .yml files?

In your file you can set:


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If it helps at all, this file has a “TODO” in comments in the .yml file and I don’t see that in other .yml files. It’s possible something is broken with what sonar is trying to flag on that TODO?

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Hey @TiKevin83

Thanks for reporting this issue.
It is a known problem that is not solved yet, we have an internal ticket for it.
Until we manage to fix it, I would suggest trying Colin’s suggestion above as a workaround.

Thank you in advance for the comment about the TODO; I don’t know the root cause yet, but I suspect it is very relevant information that will help us investigate!

May I ask what languages your project is using?
Would you mind sharing the logs of the analysis, expurged from private details?

Hi Claire,

The main language for this analysis is Kotlin which hits 748/748 files. Looking at the analysis log within CI, the log reports that the analysis was successful and has no mention of scanning yaml files except this:

INFO: Sensor JavaScript inside YAML analysis [javascript]
INFO: No input files found for analysis

So yeah it reports successful within CI but crashed on yaml files with TODOs within Sonarcloud. We tried excluding the one file and it failed again on a different yaml file with a TODO so we’re going to try excluding yaml in general now per the suggestions.

Thank you very much again. This helped me find the root cause. A fix will go live next week; I’ll keep you posted here so you can remove the exclusions.

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Hi @TiKevin83

A fix was deployed a few minutes ago, you should be able to remove the exclusions now.

There is still something I can’t explain in the situation leading to this issue. Would you mind sharing the full debug logs of one of your sonar scanner runs (even after the fix) with me, expurged from the private details? I can also initiate a private thread if you prefer.

Thank you for your patience and for your help in solving this issue!

sonar-yml-fail-job.txt (20.1 KB)

Hi, I’ve attached as full as I can from the script execution stage of the job log. If more is needed feel free to drop me that private thread!
