This was 2 months ago but I just realized that the analysis were not running anymore.
No extra errors are given (or not that I could find?)
And I know the quality gate failed at the time, but I’m more interested in the security hotspots and code smells at the moment.
Is it possible analysis won’t run anymore after even 1 gate has failed? Or what else could be going on here?
(FYI, this is the last PR I made and gave me also an error: “AZCV_v4k3TFEBIw4KRj-”)
(FYI2: no failed tasks found under Administration/Background Tasks with any of these IDs)
Better visibility into these errors is on our radar, but a complex subject. Hopefully, we will get there. We don’t like looking up these errors any more than you like waiting for us to look them up.