Last analysis failed Analysis ID "AZGNvVCJRjEkc6bEtFai"

Last analysis failed Analysis ID “AZGNvVCJRjEkc6bEtFai”


Can you help us investigate why the last analysis failed?



Welcome to the community and thanks for this report!

Can you give the approximate date/timestamp of this error? (It will make it easier to find it in our logs.)


Hi Ann,

The last error was with Analysis ID AZGO3fNkyP60Kmagar1s
It occurred today at 13h36 UTC

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Thanks for those details. I’ve flagged this for the people with log access.


Hi @tc_karos ,

Here is the error I can see on the scanner logs:

ERROR: Issue exclusions are misconfigured. File pattern is mandatory for each entry of 'sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria'

Then, I could see on your project configuration (from the project in SonarCloud, Administration, General Settings) that the “Ignore Issues on Multiple Criteria” configuration is not fully defined: the “File Path Pattern” field is not set.

Hope this helps!