Last analysis failed

Last analysis failed Analysis ID “AZLZLg5iKHiV-LUGCn8f”

The last analysis has failed. If it keeps on failing after several attempts, please contact us on Community forum and provide the following failing analysis ID: “AZLZLg5iKHiV-LUGCn8f”.


Welcome to the community!

Could you provide the approximate date/time of the failure? It will help us find it in our logs.


I believe it was October 14th 7:46 PM GMT+2 or October 29th 5:57 PM GMT+1


To be clear, those are the times of two different failures, right? You’re not trying to decide between the two? :joy:


I’m not sure which build triggered the analysis I posted. Since January of this year, SonarCloud has been failing for this repository. All pull request analyses are failing without clear indications of what is wrong.

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Thanks for the clarification. I’ve flagged this for the folks with log access.


Hi @wolas

Here is the underlying error:

Issue exclusions are misconfigured. File pattern is mandatory for each entry of 'sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria'

Here is the documentation about this parameter and where to find it in the UI: Analysis scope & SonarCloud

Thank you