Is it possible to install plugin for Enterprise Edition?

Is it possible to install plugin for Enterprise Edition in GUI?
No install button for Enterprise Edition

only have install button in Community Edition


see the builtin documentation

You can only install and update plugins from the Marketplace in SonarQube Community Edition. With commercial editions, you need manually install and update your plugins. See Install a Plugin for more information.


You can only install and update plugins from the Marketplace in SonarQube Community Edition. With commercial editions, you need manually install and update your plugins. See Install a Plugin for more information.

If you need a way to install plugins via Sonarqube web ui in a commercial edition you may try this free plugin ‘Universal plugin manager for Sonarqube’ from bitegarden.

Optionally, the plugin works also without internet access:

If proxies involved and you want to be noticed about updates of this and other bitegarden plugins, this plugin needs access to

and then another subdomain for the download process…


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May I ask why only Enterprise has this limitation?

Not only Enterprise edition, but all commercial editions.
Third-party plugins may affect the stability and functionality of Sonarqube and can only be used at your own risk without support from Sonarsource.


Thank you very much, that is useful information

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