How to set the license key

Hi I deployed an LTS SQ for Enterprise edition on GCP using the LTS helm chart. I read that if I go to Administration > Configuration > License Manager I can set the license key. However, I didn’t find that option when I went to Configuration.

Is there something I missed or did wrong?


You’re logged in as a global admin?

You should see it here:


@ganncamp thanks for the reply. I realized that I mistakenly deployed the community edition without knowing.

As a side question, do you happen to know any deployment requirement difference between the developer edition and enterprise edition?

I was able to deploy the developer edition with helm chart and terraform to GKE. However, once I change the image.tag field (for lts helm chart) or the edition field (for regular helm chart) to enterprise the same script will timeout.


Ehm… no? TBH, I’m not sure I understand the question. I believe this should just be a matter of specifying which edition you want, kinda like when downloading the zip bundle. Any chance of a flub in the edition name?


@ganncamp sorry about the confusion.

The image tag was indeed set to 8.9.8-enterprise though the deployment failed:

set {
	name = "image.tag"
	value = "8.9.8-enterprise"

The deployment to GCP worked when I set it to 8.9.8-developer:

set {
	name = "image.tag"
	value = "8.9.8-developer"

Do you know any resources or anyone who might know how to fix this deployment failure?


I’ve flagged this for team attention.


@zacktzeng Can you confirm that your issue relates to the already open topic? Deploying Sonarqube Enterprise through helm chart with Terraform to GCP encountered timeout error - #6 by zacktzeng

Thank you

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Yes these two are related. This one can be closed.