How to reduce private lines of code analyzed

we are about to touch 4lk lines of private lines code in sonarcloud, how can we reduce this count since its crossing €150 per month plan.
please suggest us on this.


I see 2 things you can do:

  1. Review the projects you are analyzing and make sure that every file you see in SonarCloud is worth being analyzed. If you find files that you don’t care about, use the inclusion & exclusion settings to narrow the scope of the analysis.
    • For instance, if you’ve set sonar.sources=., SonarCloud will analyze every file found in your repository. You might not want to analyze XML configuration files for instance, so you could exclude them.
  2. Reduce the amount of duplicated lines in your projects. Not only will this reduce the overall number of lines of code, but it will also improve the maintainability of your code.