How to export the code coverage report branch wise

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A few questions to help you:

  • What are you trying to accomplish?
    We need to export the code coverage report by branch wise as mentioned in the screenshot.
  • Why does this matter to you?
    Once we had this feature , easy we can export the report branch wise.
  • How would that look in SonarQube? Alternatives?
    attached the screenshot.
  • How would we know it works well?
    If the requirement is not getting updated, please share the details to get the report branch-wise, we know that the report can be generated through API calls, but it may be difficulties to get the report every time.
  • Why should it be a priority now

Make sure to check out our product roadmap as well, to see if your need is already being considered.

Hi @Hemanth,

Can you please clarify the report you’d need?
SonarQube does not calculate coverage but imports it from your coverage tool. See Test coverage overview.
If you want detailed coverage reports, the best way is probably to rely on your coverage tool.
