Sonarqube Coverage Report Exportation

We are running the below Sonarqube self managed setup on our EC2 instance.
Sonaqube Version : Developer Edition Version 10.1 (build 73491)

We are using Jacoco plugin to generate the coverage report of our application a which is then loaded to sonarqube during the code analysis stage.

What we want is to export this report so that we can sent it to our client.

Below are the things that we want to achieve :

  1. The report should be exported in pdf format.
  2. Instead of reporting the coverage percentage, will it be possible to mention in the report as only pass or fail.

Can someone help. Currently trying to get the report in proper format but no luch so far.

Hey there.

SonarQube doesn’t offer any PDF reports related to a project’s code coverage.

JaCoCo itself has xml/html/csv report outputs – you might find one of those suitable.

Hi Colin,

Thanks for the reply.

Sorry for troubling you with this, but can you confirm if Sonarqube doesn’t offer PDF report in Developer subscription or it doesn’t offer any kind of repofrts at all.
Little confused as on Sonarqube pricing page is says in the Enterprise edition that there are securoty and health check reports available

Can you confirm if reports are available in any format in Sonarqube developer edition ?


Sonar’s reporting capabilities, like Security Reports all described here, allow downloading reports in various formats starting in Enterprise Edition.

None of these reports will probably offer the granularity of detail you’re looking for from a coverage report like that reported by JaCoCo (which modules/files have more coverage than others, etc.)