I am Using Sonarqube9.9 Lts Enterprise version, I have a existing codebase for dotnet framework. It contains multiple solution files in different locations.
I scaned all the solution files by specifying the path to the particular location file.
For example
I have a folder ‘xyz’,
and in the xyz folder there are a,b,c,d folders and inside each folder i have multiple solution files.
And there is another folder called packages which has all the javascript files for front end.
And what i need is both c# solution files and Javascript files should be analyzed and i want to see the report in a single project for both of them combinedly.
Currently What i am doing is xyz ← execute begin step
build a/solutionfile1.sln
build a/solutionfile2.sln
build b/solutionfile1.sln
end command