Analyze JavaScript and C#

We are requesting support on an issue we are facing using SonarQube. Currently, we have one intranet. There, we get the content files in different folders and subfolders, some are bootstraps, others .Net (sln), others JavaScript,etc.
We are using Sonarqube Community Edition to analyze and SonarScanner for MsBuild.
The issue is that when we rebuilt it, Sonarqube says that it is all ok, but when we open the analysis result, C# is the only language code analyzed. The others (JavaScript, Html, CSS…) has not been included. We’ve tried to add the line “/d: sonar.inclusions=“path folder” " and “/d: sonar.inclusions=”.” with and without quotes.
If we do two analysis separately (C# on one side and the rest of the languages on the other),then we get results for all of them, but… we would need to have it all in a single report. Is it possible to be done with only one analysis and get both results together?

Thank in advance.

Hello Anna,

I believe your issue is related to this one. Basically, if the files you want to be analyzed are not referenced by the .NET project, they won’t be considered by the analysis.
Could you try the solution described on the related thread, to see if this fixes the issue for you.
