Help configuring SonarLint with SonarQube in Rider

Hi :slight_smile:

I’m new to SonarQube and trying to find my way.

I’ve set up a SonarQube server and push my Net Core 3 project to it via Azure Devops. That appears to be working ok and I have 100 or so errors showing.

I’ve installed SonarLint in Jetbrains Rider and, I believe connected it to my SonarQube server. I suspect it is correct because I can do things like ‘search in list’ for my project name and it finds it as configured on the server.

My issue is that SonarQube appears to be performing some checks and blocking compilation, however there are a lot of critical errors on the server it is not reporting.

When I click to analyse a current file it appears to connect to the server, but no rules are picked up.

I see this in the log.
No analysis configurator found
Using configuration of ‘dcap’ in server ‘
Analysing ‘DependencyInjectionModuleWithAssembliesBase.cs’…
Found 0 issues

Is there something else that I need to do so that I can see the same issues reported on the server in the IDE?

Thanks very much in advance :slight_smile:


Hello, thanks for reaching out!

You might have noticed that SonarLint is not marked as compatible with Rider on the JetBrains Plugin Repository.

Actually, although it is possible to install and use SonarLint with Rider, it will only analyze the languages currently supported, and unfortunately these do not include C# yet.

Please also note that support for C# in Rider is one of the current top-voted feature requests for SonarLint. Feel free to add your voice there - support for analysis of C# in Rider is currently not a top priority on our side, and we might reevaluate this position if we feel a strong impact potential.

Finally, and as mentioned in the feature request thread, you can use our C# analyzer as a Nuget package, though its ruleset won’t be synchronized with the one from the server.

Hope this helps!

Hi - thank you, that’s great!!

I’ve set up SonarLint in VS as well as Rider now and can jump between them as needed (I just can’t seem to quite uninstall VS yet!). Eventual support in Rider would be great.

Kind regards,


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