I also encountered golangci-lint problem.
After I tried:
- golangci-lint run --out-format checkstyle > report.xml
- config: sonar.go.golangci-lint.reportPaths=report.xml
- sonar-scanner
There is no more bugs revealed on the board
I also encountered golangci-lint problem.
After I tried:
There is no more bugs revealed on the board
Hi @marvinlchen,
We prefer to have a separate thread for each bug report so I moved your post.
Regarding your problem, I know that it is an obvious question, but are there issues reported by golangci-lint in the report.xml file?
Next you can check if the file paths in this file match the file paths in SonarQube/SonarCloud.
I suspect that my problem may be caused by Sonarqube version. I found the most recent version is 7.9.1 LTS, which is released on July 2019. Is there any support for golangci-lint?
I found that there is only a config for GoMetaLinter.
Hi Marvin,
SonarQube 7.9.1 comes with an older version of the Go analyzer. You need to update it to version 1.6. You can do it in Administration => Marketplace.
It works! That was the problem.
Thanks for help!
3 posts were split to a new topic: Golangci-lint issues are not visible after importing its report