Github Enterprise Cloud support

Hi there,

Would like to know if organizations supports GHEC binding.
Github Enterprise Cloud offers the SSO (with SCIM) connection to access the repos of the organizations. Those repos can be accessed only through SSO or via tokens.
Didn’t find any documentation covering that topic.

Any help would be much appreciated !

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Welcome to the community!

While it’s possible to analyze projects hosted in GHE, and it’s possible for SonarQube Cloud Enterprise customers to delegate SSO to their GHE instances, it’s not possible to bind projects to GHE.

Explicitly, you can have pretty much everything but PR decoration.


Just to offer some precision: SonarQube Cloud supports binding to GitHub Enterprise Cloud (, but not self-hosted GitHub Enterprise.

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Hi G Ann,

Thank you for your prompt answer.

From what I understand we can still use SonarCloud with GHE Cloud but the PR decoration won’t be covered. Any chance to support that in a near future ?

If we want to benefit SSO (from Entra as GHE is already bound to Entra) we’ll have to move on Enterprise license.

Can you confirm my understanding ?

Wish you a great day so far !


Hi Colin,

Thanks Colin for the precision.
GitHub Enterprise Cloud can also be reached with a custom domain ( if you choose the option with managed users (SSO) and/or custom data residency :slight_smile:
accounts on → binding will work
accounts on → binding won’t work.

Is it on your next features list ?


Today, SonarQube Cloud integrates with GitHub through a GitHub App distributed via the GitHub Marketplace.

Based on the GitHub Docs, apps from GitHub Marketplace are currently unavailable on

Once they are supported, we can start thinking about supporting it!

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