Error in the calculated value of issues of the project

  • Versions used (SonarQube 7.9.1)

  • Error observed :
    In a specified project, the number of critical issues shown in the Overview view does not match the number of critical issues in the Issues view.
    In the database it has been seen that the number of critical issues in the project coincides with that shown in the overview view 126. The issues in the Issues view 1.5k are not in the database, so
    How is that number calculated?
    How can we correct it without having to remove the sonar analysis? We would not like to lose the false positives that we have already marked. Thank you

  • Steps to reproduce


I wouldn’t have expected to see it in 7.9.1, but this looks like a corrupt Elasticsearch index. Can you try:

  • stop the server
  • delete $SONARQUBE-HOME/data/es6
  • restart the server

This will force the index to be rebuilt, but may take some time depending on the actual size of your instance.

And come back to us if that doesn’t fix it.


Carrying out the action that you have indicated has been solved.
Thank you very much!!!

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