Error: during SonarScanner execution

Hi, I have some questions for help, I am currently using SonarCloud for code analysis, my current Windows system is Windows 10 Professional, the compiler I am using is CCS 6.13, compiling code for 28335, I have searched the internet and found that it is possible to do code analysis, but the compilation is currently failing, attached is my The attached is my BW-LOG file, please help us again! Thank you!
build-wrapper.log (763.2 KB)
命令提示符.txt (110.2 KB)

Hi @EDChang, and thanks for your question :smiley:

It looks like the analyzer is running into some parsing errors. Could you please share the generated reproducer file at D:\sonarcloudproject\SATURN_20230228\1\Infini-Solar 10KW\ so that we can track down the problem?

I can also send you message so that you can share it in private if it contains sensitive information.

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Hi Michael

We’ve been looking for a solution on the web for the past few days, and we’ve updated the compiler for now, and it seems to be in good shape. Thanks!

Have a nice day to you !!

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Hi @EDChang, thanks for your response :smiley:

Maybe it is something that we can improve on our side as well. Did you have to change your code after the compiler update? I could see in the logs you shared that you used to have some named zero-width bit field for example, or did you only run the wrapped build on the same code after upgrading the compiler and the error disappeared in the scanner later?

Umm… Sorry Michael

This time, I did not use Sonar Cloud myself, but helped a friend to ask this question, so when he succeeded, I heard him say that he only updated the compiler, but the rest remained the same, so I don’t have his latest logs either.

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