Enabling APEX language for sonarqube enterprise

Hi all,

We are running the following Enterprise Edition Sonarqube instance * Version 8.4 (build 35506)
I am trying to install APEX/Salesforce related plugin https://github.com/SalesforceFoundation/salesforce-sonar-plugin and I see it here - https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/languages/apex/ should be enabled by default for Enterprise.
Could you please help me to find the way to enable it/install?

Thank you in advance!

Hi Tatiana,

For Enterprise Edition($$) there’s no need to install anything; you have Apex analysis out of the box. If you’d like to double-check you can go to the Rules page & make sure that Apex is in the languages list.

I’m not familiar with the 3rd-party plugin you cited, so I can’t tell you whether it’s compatible with the Apex analysis native in Enterprise Edition. Only one entity (either SonarQube itself or a plugin) can “declare” a language so if that plugin declares Apex, you’re going to run into problems.


Hi @ganncamp this is the reason I am asking, because it’s not appearing the list of languages in the Rules tab, however in the License page I can see that this feature should be included.
Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 09.37.32 Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 09.37.53

Thanks for your help!


Can you check your $SONARQUBE-HOME/extensions/plugins` directory to make sure the Apex analyzer is there? I suspect something might have gone sideways at installation.


Hi @ganncamp no the apex analyzer is not there, do you know how can I enable it so it gets installed?


At a guess, there was a problem when you expanded the zip. You could do that again or you could go ahead & upgrade to the recently-released 8.5. Note that in 8.5 the model changed, and the analyzers aren’t shipped in the Plugins folder anymore, but there’s still there out of the box.


Hi @ganncamp we are using the docker image for the installation so no manual unzip, however our scenario was we installed Developer Edition and then upgraded it to Enterprise, maybe that was the cause, however we don’t want to reinstall it in order not to loose the data. Would be great if it was available on the page here https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/languages/apex/


Okay! That’s significant.

This is probably about how you’re managing that. The docs should help.
