Drop of Node.js 10 support and deprecation of Node.js 12 support

Hello SonarQube, SonarCloud, and SonarLint users!

The analysis of JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS requires that Node.js be available in the environment where analysis is performed. To continue providing you with the best code analyzers possible, we periodically update the runtime version that is required in the scanner environment.

Node.js 10 has been considered EOL by the OpenJS Foundation since April 2021 and has been deprecated in SonarSource products since that time (with warnings in the analysis logs and user interfaces).

Today, we are letting you know that on March 15, 2022, the use of Node.js 10 will no longer be supported by analyses targeting SonarCloud. We have also proactively reached out to the few organizations still running analyses with this older runtime. This means that support will also be removed in SonarQube v9.4, as well as the latest versions of SonarLint.

We are also letting you know that the use of Node.js 12 (which will be considered EOL by the OpenJS Foundation in April 2022) is now deprecated in SonarSource products, and that support for Node.js 12 will end after August 1st 2022.

This will make the minimum supported version of Node.Js 14, but we recommend using the latest LTS version 16.

Please note that this change does not have any impact outside of your analysis runtime.

No changes are required to the code you are writing or any runtime dependencies. It only means that the minimum runtime version available in your environment has changed.

Below you can find information related to each of our three products.


The documentation on JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS analysis for your SonarQube version has the most relevant information regarding Node.js version support.

If the default node in the PATH on the machine where analysis is executed is not already a recent version, you can either:

  • Install a newer version of Node.js as the default node in your scanner environment
  • Point to another Node.js executable using the sonar.nodejs.executable analysis parameter


See the documentation on the Scanner Environment required by SonarCloud, which includes recommendations for tuning the version of Node.js used in various pipelines.


SonarLint for Visual Studio

SonarLint for Visual Studio will first attempt to use the version of Node.js that launches with your flavor of Visual Studio.

If no compatible version is found, SonarLint will check for Node.js installations in your PATH until a compatible version is found.

Finally, a Node.js executable can be pointed to using the SONAR_NODEJS_PATH environment variable

SonarLint for VSCode

If you are using a version of Node.js that is too old, a popup will appear in VSCode

You can either update the default node in your PATH, or point to a specific Node.js executable in your VSCode Configuration (sonarlint.pathToNodeExecutable)

SonarLint for Eclipse, IntelliJ

SonarLint for Eclipse and SonarLint for IntelliJ will look for the first node executable in your PATH, otherwise, you can specify the Node.js installation in your IDE settings.

Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to let us know in Get Help > SonarQube, Get Help > SonarCloud, or Get Help > SonarLint

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