DevOps Platform Integrations - Azure DevOps connection

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
  • Version 9.3 (build 51899) - Developer Edition
  • what are you trying to achieve

DevOps Platform Integrations - Azure DevOps connection

  • what have you tried so far to achieve this

  • Added our root cert to java and see that its there - we use self signed certificates

  • Verifed url and PAT token

  • Checked logs of issues

  • Checked firewalls

We have this working in 8.X LTS version and when we updated we noticed that this functions stopped working after upgrade.


I can see this in developer tools that it is trying to access this url [Preformatted text](https://XXXX/api/alm_settings/validate?key=adosproduktion)

Can this be related its in 9.4 release and we have 9.3?

[SONAR-14742] Project import from GitHub, Bitbucket and Azure can clash with existing project key - SonarSource

Release Notes - SonarSource

Also this is the same Azure DevOps Server integration stopped working after update to 9.4 (but analysis works) - SonarQube - Sonar Community (


Welcome to the community!

Could this be relevant?


We are running on Linux environment but i have verified that our root cert are installed so i dont think this is the issue.

I thinking if Sonarqube itself have some special place to look for certs - if we are updating wrong place with cert?

I added certificate and verified - i really think there is a bug in Sonarqube software regarding this. I have seen so many others that have same.

@mrweiland You’ve added it and it started to work?

No same problem :frowning:

I found this issue [SONAR-14742] Project import from GitHub, Bitbucket and Azure can clash with existing project key - SonarSource resolved in 9.4 that may have bearing on our problem - we will update and test

Tested to update to 9.4 but same problem :frowning:

We were having issue connecting to DevOps server from SonarQube
Solution: it seems that if basis authentication is turn on in IIS it breaks the use of PATs

We are now able to connect to our DevOps server in SonarQube after turning off basic authentication in IIS on the DevOps server

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