Cobol analysis on VSCODE with Zowe Explorer V3

  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • SonarQube for VS Code plugin version: v4.15.0
  • Programming language you’re coding in: Cobol
  • Is connected mode used: Sonarqube Server v9.9.2


As mentionned on the documentation ( Requirements - SonarQube for IDE Documentation - VS Code), to use Sonarlint in vscode with Zowe Explorer we need to set the temporary folder of Zowe Explorer to the workspace folder, because sonarlint is able to scan only workspace files when in connected mode.

Unfortunattely since Zowe Explorer v3, there is no more temporary folder. The cobol source code viewed with Zowe Explorer is directly open in the editor and store in the memory.

Do you have any solution to continue using Sonarlint Vscode for Cobol on source viewed from Zowe Explorer ?