BitBucket integration doesn't shows the Repositories

Hi @mrinalkamboj,

Yes it seems to be related to permissions issues, could you check that the solution provided on this post solve the issue? I will see if we can plan an improvement for this soon.

We recommend that you launch the analysis with a CI and not manually, once you have imported your repositories, you can just follow on of the tutorials to integrate your code analysis with the CI of your choice (with BitBucket Pipelines this is quite straightforward). Then you will be able to script your CI to launch the analysis when it makes sense for you, for ex. at each push or once a day, etc …

It’s not possible on SC side, you will have to do it on CI side.

Concerning your pricing questions, please see here if you find your answers
The pricing is based on the number of lines of code, not on the number of runs.

Hope it helps,
