Binding GitHub project

please see screenshot below

I need to bind this project to it’s GitHub repo for proper scan
How do we resolve this?
WRT the link below

I have to bind the project from sonarcloud to ensure a proper scan of .Net Projects

Please help this has been a blocker for too long a time

Hello Seun,

Is your Azure token set in SonarCloud up to date? Could you try to set a new one?

@omnio Is your project hosted in Azure DevOps or GitHub?

If it’s hosted in GitHub, you’ll need to authenticate with GitHub and have an organization bound to your GitHub org.

hi @Colin

Yes the projects are on GitHub
Yes I have authenticated with my GitHub account
However, I have not been able to bind the organization to GitHub because it has been bound to Azure DevOps
That’s where I have been stuck for awhile now

So you should probably create a new organization, bound to GitHub.

That would be rather impossible

Is there no admin feature on the Sonar Team that can remove the bind to azure devops and then we can bind to GitHub?

Also how do I manage the history of the projects from this current organization to the new one?

The only way to have your organization bound to a different DevOps Platform currently is to create a new organization and re-import your repositories there. Unfortunately, that means you’ll lose the results of previous analyses on these projects.