Background Tasks on in progress more than one day

Hi All,
I use SonarQube v 6.7.5, when i scanned a specific project, i wait for more than a day but the background task is still running.
Because this happened repeatedly, there are failed and aborted analysis. it has been 1 month and still failed or need to be aborted.
Did you know why? Any solution?

If you need further information, please ask me.


Are logs available for the processing of those hung/failed tasks?


I’ll go ahead and already say that If you don’t have relevant logs (particularly in ce.log), or if the task just hangs, you could try:

  • Activate debug logs, by adding the property sonar.log.level.ce=DEBUG
  • Get the stack of the threads in the CE process (jstack [pid])
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Here is my Application and DB VM specs:
App VM Server :

  • RAM : 8GB
  • Processor : 10

DB VM Server

  • RAM : 1GB
  • Processor : 1

Is there any information I need to provide to figure out the problems?
I assume it might DB VM server RAM is too small, do you think I need to upgrade DB VM?


I have attached the log…

Please check…
Thank you


Thanks for the log snippets. For future reference, text snippets are far easier to digest/deal with than screenshots.

Nonetheless, your ce.log snippet shows a problem communicating with the database. You should investigate that.


Hi @ganncamp

I have investigated DB server but found nothing wrong.

I have many projects and it only happened to this one specific project. I have increase max_allowed_packet and it still not working. The size of this project after compiling is around 600mb. Maybe more if compiling is not failed.

Any idea?


I don’t know how to get past


but if you really want to pursue this on the SonarQube side, we’ll need fuller logs of the problem, hopefully copy/pasted (and formatted :slight_smile:) as text.


web_log_sonar.txt (5.3 KB)

Here’s full log.

Thanks :blush:


Your log indicates that MySQL raised an Out of Memory Error

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Out of memory (Needed 84618072 bytes)
  at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(

So this is on your database side.


Hi @ganncamp,
I have fixed the problem with upgrading the server and database. Now, I wanna ask :

  1. After upgrading, i retry to scan the project by sonar, but the background task was never end.

  2. I scan the same project with different project name and project key in sonar, it was successful.

Because of endless background task, i often restart the SonarQube server, and until now for the next scan it’s never successful to complete the background task.
is there another step to rescan the case number 1 successfully?



Sorry, there’s no way to restart a background task.
