Azure Pipeline builds stuck in Publish Quality Gate Result task

I have a couple of builds that are stuck in the Publish Quality Gate Result task.


We’re seeing the exact thing too. The extension hasn’t been updated since July, we haven’t changed anything about our builds and it’s suddenly failing everywhere in ADO.

We are also having problems with this task, takes too long and the azure pipelines cancel after 1 hour.

Same issu, I get Error Message: Java heap space on background task in the portal


We use too, SonarCloud too and we have the same problem in the publish gate of the Azure DevOps pipelines.

Running the pipeline with debug mode, shows that the task is pending:

[debug] [SQ] Task status: PENDING

[debug] [SQ] Waiting for task ‘AXR-xxxxxxxxxx-_i’ to complete.

What is the deadline for the solution? We are impacted by our environment.

Kind regards,

Boa tarde Pessoal,

Também estou com o mesmo erro.

Segue resultado que recebo:

2020-09-11T17:21:12.5686165Z ##[section]Starting: Publish Quality Gate Result
2020-09-11T17:21:12.5836457Z ==============================================================================
2020-09-11T17:21:12.5836830Z Task : Publish Quality Gate Result
2020-09-11T17:21:12.5837245Z Description : Publish SonarCloud’s Quality Gate result on the Azure Pipelines build result. To be used after the actual analysis.
2020-09-11T17:21:12.5837651Z Version : 1.9.0
2020-09-11T17:21:12.5837894Z Author : sonarsource
2020-09-11T17:21:12.5838329Z Help : Version: 1.9.0. More Information
2020-09-11T17:21:12.5838790Z ==============================================================================
2020-09-11T17:58:03.8229518Z ##[error][SQ] Task failed with status FAILED, Error message: Java heap space
2020-09-11T17:58:03.8585804Z ##[section]Finishing: Publish Quality Gate Result

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Having the same issue. I do sometimes get the following error
##[error][SQ] Task failed with status FAILED, Error message: Java heap space: failed reallocation of scalar replaced objects.

Unfortunately a known issue, please consolidate in this thread: