Azure DevOps - SonarQubeAnalyze@5 task failing since 13/06/23

SonarQube: 7.9.5
SonarQubeAnalyze (5.14.0)

The previous SonarQubeAnalyse version (5.13.0) was working in Azure DevOps Pipelines successfully however after a merge yesterday bumping it to 5.14.0 we are seeing failures due to the Java version being used.

Previously the task was picking up the correct Java version of 11.0.19 - now it exclusively will attempt to use 17.0.7 which is not valid for the version of SonarQube that we are running.

Reverting back to using the old SonarQubeAnalyse task in Azure DevOps - SonarQubeAnalyze@4 rather than SonarQubeAnalyze@5 - allows for successful analysis.

The default version of Java on our Azure DevOps agent is 11.0.7.

I suspect the issue is related to this merge: VSTS-294 Add support for JAVA_HOME_17_X64 (#260) · SonarSource/sonar-scanner-vsts@8f9cb54 · GitHub

For now we are setting our task to call 5.13.0 as below:

- task: SonarQubeAnalyze@5.13.0

Duplicate issue with the same conclusions: SonarAnalyze@5.14.0 Azure Pipelines Task Failing