Azure devops Quality Gate waiting

We have Azure devops configured for each PR to trigger a CI pipeline that includes Sonarcloud analysis and then requires a successful Quality Gate response before completion.

This has been running perfectly until today when all our PR’s are showing Quality Gate waiting, even though the CI pipelines have successfully completed the Sonarcloud stage, and the results are showing on our Sonarcloud projects page.

I’ve regenerated the PAT and updated the settings, and also confirmed the Service connectors are verified for the repositories.

Is there an issue today with Azure or Sonarcloud? It was working at about 09:00 today but after that all Quality gates are still showing as waiting.

An example of a recent analysis ID is AYqodMlmeH8lIgd80upl


Just to add, we are also experiencing this issue since today.

The Sonarcloud PR quality gate that we have on PRs is in a state of “waiting”.

We are also having this issue.

Azure Devops did report a status issue across Europe but this seems to be resolved now and we’re still not seeing status updates.

We have the same issue on Azure DevOps. Verified PAT token abd it looks ok and not expired - worked until today.

Any Official statement from SonarSource?

I already regret moving to SonarCloud from SonarQube… :frowning:

Another thread with everyone experiencing the same issue


I too have encountered the same issue, and it has caused a significant disruption to my work since this afternoon. If anyone has found a solution, I kindly request you to share it. I am eagerly looking forward to an update on this matter.

Thank you,
Paras Budhiraja

Hi all,

I am facing the same issue from yesterday. Any status about the issue?

HI @ganncamp ,

Any update on this ??


This is still a problem for us. Do you know if the issue is really fixed?

We have the same issue on Azure DevOps. Verified PAT token and it’s OK.

Hello everyone,

Our engineering team is investigating this issue with the highest priority. Updates will be provided shortly here also on

Best regards,
Silviu Asandei


Same issue here. PAT is valid, the analyze and publish work. I see the changes on SonarCloud. The status check doesn’t trigger in Azure DevOps.

HI @Silviu_Asandei ,

Any time estimation, how long will it take ?
