Azure DevOps pipeline run error taking more than 60 minutes after SonarQube integration

We are using the SonarQube Developer edition and integrated it as part Azure DevOps build pipeline. Previously it used to take around 30 minutes to run the build pipeline. Now integrates with the SonarQube and included the tasks as part of the build pipeline. Now takes more than 60 minutes and notices the below error. Any thoughts on this? Using the Azure Microsoft agent(windows VM) to build the pipleline.

##[error]The job running on agent Azure Pipelines 2 ran longer than the maximum time of 60 minutes

Hello @sekhara.kothuri.

  • what is the version of SonarQube that you are using?
  • what is the version of MSBuild you are using?
  • could you please share with us the verbose logs (pass /d:sonar.verbose=true as an extra property in the Prepare step, and share the logs of the SonarQubeAnalyze step)
  • could you share the verbose logs of the build (pass /p:reportanalyzer=true /v:d) as parameters to the VSBuild task
