Add Azure DevOps connectivity management problem


ALM used + CI system used = Azure DevOps

I tried to configure the Azure Devops connectivity management on our instance (administration → organization settings → Azure DevOps connectivity management)

But I encounter a problem that I can’t solve (capture)

The configured account is a service account with all required permissions.

What surprises me is the name of the Sonar organization in the error message which is not exactly the same as our organization
Would you have an idea to solve this problem?



Hello Kevin,

I’ve had a look into your issue and it is likely that someone else in your company might have setup an other sonarcloud organization with your azure devops organization.
Only one sonarcloud organization can be bound to the same azure devops organization.

“What surprises me is the name of the Sonar organization in the error message which is not exactly the same as our organization” => That’s the part that makes me say that, someone probably created another organization (with a similar name but not exactly the same) bound to your Azure Devops Org.

Do you mind checking in your company if someone already created a SonarCloud Organization bound to that specific Azure Devops Organization ?

Best regards,

Hello Quentin,

Thank you for your detailed answer.

What I find surprising is that on the error message the organization is not exactly the same, it is on this format:
[organization name]-1

The problem is that we are more than 5000 and it’s quite complicated to find out who created the extra organization :confused:
Isn’t there a way to deactivate the other organization? Do you have logs to know about sonar projects using this other organization of the same name?

Is there anyway to determine who the owner of this other organization is? Or to remove the binding to the other org?

thank you very much

This error may appear if we already have a shared service connection on Azure devops?

Hi Kevin,

The problem is that we are more than 5000 and it’s quite complicated to find out who created the extra organization

The admin of the SonarCloud organization can tell which Azure Devops is already bound to the SonarCloud Organization, see below screenshot :

The admin can remove the Azure Devops org from the Sonarcloud org from the same page, so you can link another Azure Devops org to your Sonarcloud org.

I may add that, if you don’t know who is an admin of your Sonarcloud Organization, you can find that information in the “members” section of your sonarcloud organization :

Hope this help

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