What’s the issue you’re facing?
-An authorization error is being encountered in Jenkins during the SonarQube analysis, stating: “You’re not authorized to run analysis. Please contact the project administrator.”
Context: We are running 30 builds parallelly, all using the same SonarQube token ID with administrative access. However, certain repositories are experiencing authorization errors other repos are working fine.
Interestingly, the same token functions properly in GitHub Actions with the Gradle SonarQube plugin. but failing in Jenkins.
In Jenkins, the analysis only succeeds when we exclude the XML files and run with sonar-scanner.
Permissions for users and projects have been verified, and the token(global analysis) is confirmed to be active and not expired.
I see you’ve filed this in the ‘9.9 LTA Upgrade’ category. That means you’re experiencing this on 9.9?
And what scanner versions are you using? BTW, the Jenkins extension is essentially a configuration wrapper for calling the underlying SonarScanners, so I need not the version of the Jenkins plugin (altho that won’t hurt) but the underlying scanners it calls.
To be clear, given projectA and token T, analysis fails for projectA with token T when run from Jenkins but succeeds on exactly the same project when run from GitHub Actions?
If you’re absolutely sure the token is exactly the same in both places, then I can only assume something “helpful” on your network is interfering. You should talk to your network folks.