Sonar Scanner: You're not authorized to run analysis. Please contact the project administrator

Alot of SonarQuber users within our organization started having run analysis impacted with the following error generated, even though it is now over 2 months since we upgraded to version 9.9:

ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution
ERROR: You’re not authorized to run analysis. Please contact the project administrator.
ERROR: Re-run SonarScanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.


Welcome to the community!

You didn’t say what version you upgraded from, but we made some changes to analysis tokens in the 9-series. I guess it would be easiest to just re-generate analysis tokens and go from there.


Hi G,

I upgraded from version 8.9 to 9.9 but I would have expected the issue to come up right after the upgrade. The recommended approach was already taken to resolve the issue.


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