Wrapper 6.28 Error


We just install sonarQube (Developer edition) for C++ analysis
We also update scanner 4.6.2 and wrapper 6.28 on the Windows build machine.

We have an error :

ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution
java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\BIN\amd64_x86\cl.exe" (in directory "C:\_Dev\gitlab_runner\builds\794xsZ57\2\pc-tools\iesPowerHandler\build-Release\IES_CrashReport"): CreateProcess error=267, Nom de répertoire non valide

Scanner 4.6.2 + Wrapper 6.20 doesn’t produce this error.
(for the moment we stay with wrapper 6.20)

Best regards !


Welcome to the community!

Google translates the last part of that error message to “Invalid directory name”. So I have to ask, is this actually the location of the binary?:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\BIN\amd64_x86\cl.exe


Hello @languera,

You did not provide much context on when this error happens…

My guess would be that you are analyzing on a machine different from the one where the build was performed, and that this machine is not installed in the same way.

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Thanks for your help. But, on the same machine and with the same compilator on same location,

  • the wrapper 6.20 + Scanner 4.6.2 work
    ( So the location is ok and the installation is the same )

  • the wrapper 6.28 + Scanner 4.6.2 produce this issue

Maybe the new scanner introduce an issue with long path or path with space ?



Could you provide us with the analysis log? I can send you a PM if you prefer to share privately.

Thank you,

Additionally, I have some questions about the folder C:\_Dev\gitlab_runner\builds\794xsZ57\2\pc-tools\iesPowerHandler\build-Release\IES_CrashReport. Is this a temporary folder that is erased at some time? Can you check if this folder exists at the time the analysis is run?


Hello @languera,

Have you been able to solve this issue on your side? Without more information from you, we cannot help you with it, and we’re going to close this topic.

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