Where is the Quality Profiles and Quality Gates management in the SonarCloud?

Hi there, I can’t find where is the Quality Profiles and Quality Gates management in the SonarCloud.

I can only see the “Default Sonar way” and there is no button/link/page to edit anything.

Am I missing something?

Hi @rafael-trevisan

Quality Gates and Quality profiles can be managed at organization level. Once you click on your org on the top bar, you’ll have this menu


Where then you will be able to enter the configuration of each.


Hi, I’m using SonarCloud and the project is under an organization in GitHub.

I can’t see this menu you’re mentioning…

Yes but you must have an organization on SonarCloud as well, that has been bound to your GitHub organization.

And again, you need to be in the organization’s menu to be able to see those options


No project should be displayed beside the organization name.