What's difference between SonarWay java rule with SonarSource Rules(Java)

Hello, I have some questions about Rules.
I’m using SonarQube Community Edition(9.9.3).
I found out, in my version, SonarQube’s SonarWay(java) has 628 rules, but SonarRules(java) has 698 rules.
Is there any difference between them?


Welcome to the community!

The Sonar way profiles are designed to be uncontroversial. That is, a rule only gets included in Sonar way if it will work for 95% of projects 95% of the time.

The other rules are needed in certain circumstances, but not all the time. So they’re omitted from Sonar way but available if you need them.


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Oh, Thank you for that answer!

And I have few more questions about Sonar way rules.

I’m checking all the Sonaway rules to create my own customized Sonaway rules.
So I’m getting to know what this rule means and what this rule is needed for me.

In my Sonar way Java(Built-in) has total 628 rules. And those rules are divided 479 active rules with 149 inactive rules. I’m just wondering why these 149 rules are inactivated by default.

Here’s my questions.

  1. Is there any reason why those rules are inactivated?
  2. Is there a page that explains why each rule is inactivated?


The reason is the one I’ve already given you. There is not rule-by-rule documentation about why rules are active or inactive by default.


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