Web API Return 503 Code

Dear, every time I need to consume the web api I am returning an error 503, this happens since yesterday 23/07.

Can you give an example of a URL you’re trying to hit?

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In all of my projects I see an error message like this:
ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project zenta-tools: Unable to execute SonarQube: Fail to get bootstrap index from server: Status returned by url [https://sonarqube.com/batch/index] is not valid: [503] -> [Help 1]

See these build logs as examples:

What happens if you use https://sonarcloud.io instead of https://sonarqube.com?

(Not saying something isn’t wrong on our end with regard to redirecting sonarqube.com -> sonarcloud.io, but this is a good first test)

using sonarcloud.io is a working workaround.
Discontinuing a public service endpoint without appropriate warning is wrong nonetheless, so please fix that to avoid churn.
I suggest to put a reasonable notice there about the new url of the endpoint.

You’ll find that Code Quality Tool & Secure Analysis with SonarQube redirects correctly browser-side, but not scanner side.

I don’t think this was intentional, and I have raised the point internally. The team is taking a look.


A solution would be to either proxy it, or not redirect browser-side, but put up a warning. The first thing most people try with a non-working endpoint is to look it up.
I have missed that I got redirected, but would noticed a warning, saving us all some time.

If that was the case, it was corrected using sonarcloud.io instead of sonarqube.com. This endpoint worked for me up to 1 week ago, the documentation indicates that the endpoint is sonarqube.com, I suppose we have several with processes that these changes impact us on our services.