hmm … I read that now and am concerned that the ticket says:
“The windows service tool has security issues and we now recommend people configure it manually.”
I don’t recall seeing anything in the SonarQube instructions to “configure manually”. What is the security issue and what is the manual instructions?
Also, I attempted to follow the attached “Discuss thread”, but is it requesting a login to Discourse using either SAML or Google, but won’t accept my Google to sign up. Can a summary be provided?
Sorry about publishing the link to a private thread. I’ve moved it so others won’t face the same frustration. The jist is that if you follow the directions to run SonarQube as a service, then you aren’t using the wrapper anyway.
What options will there there be not run SonarQube not as a service ?
Our LTS Production instance is installed as a service, with central monitoring and alerting, central logging, runbook, etc. But this is burdensome for our non-Prod instance, which is only used to test and validate the upgrades and then shut down. We don’t want to engage all the other teams we would need to, so run with a modified / tanuki wrapper to address the problems we identified.
Similarly for those interested in evaluating SonarQube, installing as a service may be a burden and discourage their evaluation or adoption of your product.