Unnecessary sort

This is a rule that falls into the efficient subcategory.

Can we have a rule that points out unnecessary calls to std::sort or std::ranges::sort? These are unnecessary if they are called on a function local vector(/array/list), and then the only usage of the vector is to access the first or last element. In these cases, the call to sort should be replaced with a call to std:.ranges::min or std::ranges::max, respectively. Alternatively, if the sorted vector is accessed at some other arbitrary index, then nth_element can still be used instead of sort.

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Hi @torgeir.skogen,

I agree that when accessing a specific element is necessary, the call to the sort can be replaced with min, max, minmax (to get two), or nth_element.

However, as you mentioned this can be effectively determined by the tools only if the container is:

  • declared locally in function, or maybe passed as a value parameter,
  • not passed to any function (even by const reference),
  • only one specific element is accessed

In my experience, I haven’t seen many functions that would meet the above criteria. Of course, these vary between domains and usages. Such a rule would definitely be valuable from the learning perspective.

As this is a request for the new feature (rule), I will transfer this request to PM to collect and record interest in the feature.