Unable to scan the flutter/dart files in live host sonarqube?

I used flutter plugin: insideapp-oss/sonar-flutter in localhost:9000 successfully scanned my flutter project in sonarqube localhost but when performed the scanner in sonarqube live host no dart/flutter file scanned. I want to analyse my flutter/dart in live host sonarqube but unable to do it. Is there any way to have this functionality from sonarqube or any premium package to be get for this functionality.

Hey there.

“Official” support for Flutter/Dart will make its way into our products soon, but for now if you’re having issues using the community-supported plugin, I suggest raising an issue on their GitHub repository. GitHub - insideapp-oss/sonar-flutter: SonarQube plugin for Flutter / Dart

I am currently scanning my flutter project in local instance using sonar community version but in live host SonarQube unable to scan flutter project with dart analyzer. I wanted to know exactly how much time will it take to have dart support in SonarQube as flutter code scan in live mode helps to resolve the issues more convenient way than in localhost? @Colin

Hey there.

@Colin Please provide update on the dart support availability in SonarQube as mentioned in your last message.

SonarQube v10.7 should be released really soon (keep your eyes on SonarQube | What's new) and include initial support for Dart in Developer, Enterprise, and Data Center Editions of SonarQube.

@Colin SonarQube v10.7 has been released I wanted to ask as in my live instance SonarQube, community version is running so the dart support which is added in the given Editions be added in community edition as well?

Our official support for Flutter/Dart is available in Developer Edition+, not Community Edition.