My Company is transferring from Standard GitHub Enterprise to GitHub Enterprise Managed Users. This sadly means we are getting a new GitHub Tenant with a new name.
I would like some advice on the easist way to do this for my developers. I would like it if they didn’t lose their history/work but so far the only things I can find is delete from one Org and import into the new one. Those are several years old though and I am hoping there is a better way now?
Welcome to the community!
This sounds like a “rebinding” question. Even though you’re not going from one provider to another, you’re going from GitHub to GitHub, I believe you would still need to unbind your SonarCloud org from the first instance and re-bind it to the second.
Unfortunately, it’s currently not possible to unbind an organization and bind it to something else. You can vote for adding this feature here.
The only way to have your organization bound to a different DevOps Platform (or instance) currently is to create a new organization and re-import your repositories there. Unfortunately, that means you’ll lose the results of previous analyses on these projects.
If you have a yearly subscription for your current organization, a new coupon can be issued for your new organization by reaching out to your sale representative.
If you have a monthly subscription by credit card, you can simply stop your subscription on the old organization and re-subscribe on the new one.
Sorry for the inconvenience.