The last analysis has failed. If it keeps on failing after several attempts, please contact us on Community forum and provide the following failing analysis ID: "AX5-jwqnjTfzYfm74AzG"


Our PRs seem to be analyzed just fine, SonarCloud detects code smells, hotspots, low code coverage, etcetera. However, we’ve had this issue for several months now where we get 0% coverage for our main branch.

  • versions used
    In the GitHub logs we see: INFO: SonarScanner
  • When we run an analysis on the branch, we get the following error.
The last analysis has failed. If it keeps on failing after several attempts,
please contact us on Community forum and provide the following
failing analysis ID: "AX5-jwqnjTfzYfm74AzG".
  • steps to reproduce
    Run analysis on the branch

The last failure was on Friday 21st January.
Under Main Branch > Activity, SC shows the last analysis was in October.

Hey there.

Please go to the Administration / Background Tasks page, find the line with Status “FAILED” , click on the gear icon, and Show Error Details.

Please let us know if the error message there helps you understand and resolve the issue, or if not then what it is.

Hi Colin

This is the error we see

Project or branch in report (Our-Project-Name)
does not match the project or branch under which it was submitted

We’d appreciate any insight on the possible causes/solutions here.

Thanks a lot!