The Java analyzer cannot skip unchanged files in this context

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube 9.9 Community, Scanner, “”)
  • how is SonarQube deployed: docker
  • what are you trying to achieve: speed up analysis

Hey guys, we have 1.1M lines of code Java project
We want to speed up analysis (now it takes around 40 minutes per each merge request)
I am trying to reproduce the situation locally with logs
And I see we have a huuuge delay when I see the line

The Java analyzer cannot skip unchanged files in this context. A full analysis is performed for all files.

The line I run the task is
./gradlew --info sonar -Dsonar.login=sqp_6feb88adfd1ebe4d3639ba864fee3eab6037b1f5 -Dsonar.projectKey=fs -Dsonar.projectVersion='2023.5.0-SNAPSHOT' -Dsonar.newCode.referenceBranch=develop -Dsonar.log.level=INFO -Dsonar.verbose=true

Not sure what is the issue, why can’t it skip unchanged files? Could you please tell me where should I look at?

Hey there.

Skipping unchanged files is only possible for Pull Request analysis, which is not included in Community Edition.

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I have the same problem since I upgrade to 9.9 LTS.
I have a project that is compiled in Java 8 but I run the sonar-scanner using JDK 11.
The analysis is successful but very slow

I have the developer version