Test Email on SonarQube Version 6.7.6 (build 38781) not working

Hello Team,

I have set up SonarQube on AWS EC2 Instance and I able to access all the features except email notifications.

As per guidelines, I have setup Email Configuration from Configuation>General>Email. Following are the details

Email Prefiex: [SONARQUBE]
From address: (Gmail Address from where I want to send an email)
From Name: SonarQube
Secure connection: starttls
SMTP host: smtp.gmail.com
Password: (Gmail Account Password)
SMTP port: 587
SMTP username: (Gmail Address)

But when I try to test this configuration, I am getting following Error

535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at 535 5.7.8 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BadCredentials r2sm9270917pgv.16 - gsmtp . Sending the email to the following server failed: smtp.gmail.com:587

Please note that, I have enabled less secure apps option in gmail account and it is not using 2-factor authentication.

I am using SonarQube Version 6.7.6 (build 38781).

I have tried all combinations of ports like 465 and 25 as well but not working. Can you please check and revert.

Thanks in Advance.


This is a question of the values you’ve configured for connecting to your SMTP server. Perhaps your Ops folks could help you with the right values?

Also, 6.7.6 is a) not the latest version of 6.7.* and b) past EOL. You should upgrade to at least 7.9.2 - the current LTS - at your earliest convenience.
