Please add support to the Flutter and Dart projects (Sonar Cloud)
+1 for Flutter/Dart!
I’m excited to announce that the wait is over — we’ve officially started work on Dart support!
Though the repository is currently empty, our kick-off meeting for this project has set everything in motion.
We aim to release our initial version on SonarCloud swiftly to gather valuable feedback. Based on this feedback, we will then determine the optimal time to roll it out for SonarQube.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Any idea of a release date?
I’m considering changing the Sonar Cloud this month due to this need, I wanted to understand if it’s worth negotiating an extension of the deadline.
It’s a matter of months, so it’s better to extend your deadline. (@myteammates #nopressure )
Sorry to repeat the same question as others, however lacking a release date and considering it is a matter of months, could we get maybe monthly updates and at least some idea of a delivery, maybe even beta?
Hello Ann,
it would be very cool, if you can give some insights when the initial version will be released?
Or maybe some information about the development
Kind regards,
The details haven’t been nailed down yet, but I expect to see something SonarQube 10.7, expected in early October. Presumably it’ll be available on SonarCloud before that.
Hi Ann, just checking to see if you have any updates. E.g. is everything on track, possible release dates?
This is very important to us and we’ve been waiting for a while now, so some updates would be amazing.
We are in the final sprint toward the release of 1.0 on SonarCloud. We want to deploy it next week (the first week of September).
This first version will support:
- import of coverage (the most expected feature according to all of you)
- code highlighting
- 55 rules (including the famous Cognitive Complexity one)
This 1.0 won’t be compatible with Automatic Analysis, so you will have to execute the sonar-scanner command as part of your CI to have the Dart code analyzed.
Wonderful news, Alexandre.
What about the self-hosted SonarQube servers?
I have never been so happy to post a reply on this forum.
This is it; SonarCloud supports Dart . See the announcement here.
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