Steps to configure SonalLint with VS Code (Apex Programming)

Hello, welcome to the community!

First of all, are you trying to use connected mode with SonarCloud :sonarcloud: or with a SonarQube :sonarqube: server?

  • If you are connecting to SonarCloud, you don’t need to provide a serverUrl and the organization key is visible on your organization’s page on SonarCloud, e.g the key for the SonarSource organization is sonarsource:

  • If instead you are trying to connect to a SonarQube server, then you need to provide a serverUrl, which is the root URL for your server - e.g, - and you can ignore the organizationKey parameter.

  • In both cases, the security token should be generated from your user profile on the server, e.g for SonarCloud:

  • In any case and as described in the FAQ, you can refer to the SonarLint Output window for error messages.