Get sonarlint set up in intellij, eclipse & vscode

Hi, I am sonarqube admin in my company, I am writing a guideline for my colleagues. I found don’t have detail set up instructions neither do this community, can someone document it?

There’s only a simple paragraph described it.

But in vscode there’s at least 7 config options

I want to connect to sonarqube server, suppose I connect to the server, but not specify the project is fine right? How to deal with below configs? How to get serverId, organizatonKey and token? I don’t quit understand why there are so many fields? How about a server URL and an access token?

"sonarlint.connectedMode.servers": [
    "serverId": "",
    "serverUrl": "",
    "organizationKey": "my_organization",
    "token": "V2VkIE1..."

Already replied here: How to configure connected mode in VSCode (I created a new thead to not pollute the one you originally replied to).
Please avoid cross posting.

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