We are using
*SonarQube 6.7.4
*SonarJava 5.5
Rule squid:S1854 Dead stores should be removed is reporting what looks like a false positive in code similar to the following (wildcard and cnCompatibleWildcard are clearly used in the lambda expression but squid:S1854 is claiming they are not used and should be removed:
private SslCertificate resolveCurrentDefaultCertificate(final WebProxy webProxy) {
final String wildcard = service.getWildCard();
final String cnCompatibleWildcard = service.getCnCompatibleWildcard();
return webProxy.getProject().getSslCertificates().stream()
// only default (generated internally)
.filter(certificate -> certificate.getDomains().stream()
.anyMatch(name -> name.contains(wildcard) || name.contains(cnCompatibleWildcard)))
// only without successors
.filter(certificate -> certificate.getSuccessor() == null)