Sometime this rule squid:S2259 is ignored in a java file

  • versions used
    SonarQube: 6.7
    SonarJava Plugin: 5.5
    Java: 1.8.144
    OS: CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

  • minimal code sample to reproduce
    public void foo(Object obj) {
    LogHelper.logEntry((obj == null ? ojb : ojb.toString()));
    for (Object o : MyCheck.nullSafe(obj.getArray())) {…}

    analyse by sonar-scanner command tool:
    -Dsonar.coverage.exclusions=* * / * . ** * /src/test/ * * , * * /target/ * ** * /src/test/ * * , * * /target/ * * "
    ${sqScannerHome}bin/sonar-scanner ${opts}

i have the same problem as you do. Any updates?

great~have you solved the issue?

Are there anyone who has also encountered the issue?


Are you still having this problem?
I didn’t manage to reproduce your problem (False Negative).
Probably a full reproducer would help.